So I recently just deployed an Audiocodes SBA device and as part of a build and I needed to a get a copy of the CMS on the appliance for it to install local roles.
you may experience an error when trying to replicate the cms on the SBA with an error message “Cannot open database “xds” requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user ‘DOMAIN\machinename$’
On a standard edition server sometimes the SQL rights arent set correctly for the SBA user account. you can work around this issue by adding the SBA computer account to the “Local Administrators” on the Standard edition server instead of faffing about in the SQL manager
Replicate the CMS using the SBA gui and your all set.
Once the rest of the Lync services are installed the SBA pulls its config from the local CMS copy mantained by the ManagementStore Replication similar to a front end server.